
All I wanted was a six pack.

I get in line and we’re moving pretty well. The guy in front of me is buying peanuts, that’s it.

They ring up at $5.79

He says that they are $3.99

Cashier asks him if he wants a price check (note to retail workers…DON’T do this…just override it…no one will care)

He of course says ‘Yes’ (apparently he wants the nuts, just not bad enough)

5 Minutes to check the price because the punk ass stocker is ghetto and decides to stroll to the other end of the store.

Comes back and says that they ARE $5.79…guy walks away saying he doesn’t want them…GREAT

Another 5 minutes as the cashier (who is new and doesn’t know how to void shit) calls the manager for a void.

Manager (who is ghetto as well) takes her sweet ass time strolling over to the machine only to say “This is all you have to do” pressing a flurry of buttons. I laugh on the inside as I watch the cashier’s eyes gloss over.

In the meantime, the GF (who is 2 sheets to the wind) calls from the car and and leaves a message that says “Where the FUCK are you, getting mugged?!?! All you were supposed to get was a six pack of beer…I mean what the HELL!!!” That’s JUST what I needed. Nothing like getting shit from the GF! 🙂

Leave the store and go home.

Want to know something….still haven’t opened a beer…..

UPDATE: Left them in the freezer too long….now I am enjoying a Beercicle!

  1. #1 by Shagz Von Light'mOnFire on March 31, 2006 2:11 am - 2:11 am

    You are one patient man, Mr. Bill. I would have had to out-run the Staties whilst taking flight to the border after conflagrating the monkey. Peanuts…..F’in Peanuts. On a related note, I was dating a “lady”( I use the term with utmost respect for her) in Montana named Myra. We were grocery shopping in a food co-op cuz she was a vegetable-narian. I like animals because they taste good…thought they would have elk or caribeau or maybe a delicious bass. Myra in all her wisdom had passed by a barrel of peanuts, snagged a few and was casually eating them while we were meandering. I did not partake of the forbidden nut. Apparently in Montana Co-Op managers have nothing better to with their patchooouilli stenchin’ dreads than use instore cameras to check out your lady friend eating peanuts. Long story short, dread called the police who arrested her as we left the store for shoplifting. My best guess to the number of nuts she played with is 6….4 in the store and 2 when I bailed her out of General Hoss’s corral. $50 a peanut and worth ever penny.

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