Sometimes I Wonder….

…if anyone actually thinks before they work with Microsoft Windows. The product (in ALL it’s forms) is notoriously memory hungry and disk space hog. So if you know that, WHY WOULD YOU BUILD A PRODUCTION SERVER WITH 4GB FOR IT’S OS PARTITION!?!?!?!

I ask this to those of you who work with servers. Everyone else can ignore this post.

  1. #1 by Jon Angliss on July 3, 2007 10:16 pm - 10:16 pm

    I’ve standardized on 12GB, and data/apps on a second partition… but I think you already knew that 😉 4GB is okay for Win2k, as long as you’re very careful about what else you install there… But I’d personally not let it any lower than 8GB.

    So what did you do? 😉

  2. #2 by RnR on July 4, 2007 8:11 am - 8:11 am

    I am going to move the pagefile to D Drive and move the event logs as well. That’ll get rid of about 1.5, 1.75 gigs of space.

    The damn thing has office installed on it as well and I have to determine if it really needs it. You know how MS has a hissy fit about emailing from a box if Outlook isn’t installed. We had a server like that for a while….can’t remeber which one it was. I thinkit was attached to the DEV environment.

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