A Milestone

As many of you know, I am shacked up with the parental units until such time as the Fiance joins me in the great state of Connecticut, we get hitched, we go on our honeymoon, we drive back from Texas, and we figure out where we are gonna live. I figure we’ll move out around 2010 ;-). (Just kidding Weesa, take a breath!)

Anyway, since I am staying free of charge, I try to help out around the house as much as I can. So I mowed the lawn yesterday. I bet you are wondering what is so special about that. Well, it’s the first time I have moved the lawn since last century! How many of you can say that?

I thought it was humorous and figured I’d share it with the readership…which by the way is at 10!! WO-HOO!! I think once I hit 20, I will sign up for Google Ads! 😉 And at 30, I will sell out to a giant media conglomerate for a BAJILLION dollars….and then go buy a sports team…..and a bulldozer…. and some TnT…yeah, yeah…..heh heh, heh heh

  1. #1 by Rach-o-rama on September 19, 2006 3:03 pm - 3:03 pm

    OK, make that 11 readers, since you can count me in! I’ll even click on your google ads, cuz I’m cool like that. Kudos on the lawn mowing; there’s nothing like commandeering blade-wielding machines to combat the stress of spending time at the parental homestead! At least that’s my experience. Heh heh.

  2. #2 by RnR on September 19, 2006 3:11 pm - 3:11 pm

    Wow! I had no idea my readership was expanding like this!

    First question:
    How are things? It’s been 2 years since we’ve seen each other.

    Second Question:
    How’d you find me? 😉 Not in a bad way, just wondering is all 😉

  3. #3 by Rach-o-rama on September 20, 2006 1:47 pm - 1:47 pm

    My mom, the computer phobe, dispatched me on a search for your registry (congrats, by the way!!) and good ol’ google led me here. One look at the “outhouse at the end of the rainbow” post and I was sold. I forwarded the pic to my bro, and he appreciated it mightily, too. 🙂

    Things here are good: my dad’s in the city this week, so that’s been really great. It’s been almost a year since I saw him, which is just plain crazy.

    I hope that all is well there. Having gone through a cross-country move, you have my sympathies. But it sounds like you are way more organized about it than I was!

  4. #4 by penners on September 20, 2006 7:53 pm - 7:53 pm

    Hey now… this isn’t reunion.com!

    BTW… RnR, you can mow our lawn when you’re here in a few weeks! You know, for practice!

  5. #5 by RnR on September 21, 2006 7:15 am - 7:15 am

    I don’t think i should do that. Once I mow your lawn and impress your neighbors, IDR will have to live up to a new standard. I just don’t think he can do it! :-p

    I mean, I’m The Lawn Mowing Fucking Master, I ain’t be missin’ no patches or nuthin’!

  6. #6 by RnR on September 21, 2006 7:27 am - 7:27 am

    Hey Rach, what were the search parameters you used on Google?

    And what page did you end up finding me on?

  7. #7 by Rach-0-rama on September 26, 2006 4:08 pm - 4:08 pm

    Aye karumba, that’s a good question. I believe what happened is that I got a bazillion unuseful hits on your name, so I tried you and your betrothed’s name, and through her site, which came up right away (neat-o) found yours. Er, never did find the registry info though. Don’t remind my mother!

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