
I have been running around commenting on the blogs from the Blogroll this afternoon.

None of the comments have much if any relevance to the posts and reflect my lack of sleep more so than anything of substance. In fact, the previous statement sounds so informed and educated that it is probably a fluke. I am pretty sure that I am on the verge of saying something juvenile….wait….wait for it… it comes…..

Did they get ahold of you?

Who you might ask?


There we go. I was getting worried for a second. And yes, I did giggle a little when I typed “NUTZ”

I need to stop typing.

  1. #1 by Zoomy on August 31, 2006 9:09 pm - 9:09 pm

    dude….if it wasn’t 2pm that you wrote that I’d say go back to sleep….but the again…2pm is too early to be up anyway…so you should have gone back to sleep.

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