Finding the Way

While the Tao cannot be expressed, Taoism holds that it can be known, and its principles can be followed. (source)

Morpheus: I’m trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You’re the one that has to walk through it. (source)

I know this might sound tragic and quite possibly on the grass cutting side of emo, but I do feel lost right now. Or perhaps a better metaphor is that of a traveler in the wilderness, walking towards an unknown yet expected destination. Roland walking the wastelands to get the the Dark Tower. I don’t know.

I might also be able to attribute this feeling to the expection of the coming spring. A primal sensation that tells the body to prepare as winter is coming to an end, and the awakening of spring is ahead. As humans no longer need to migrate as nomads, this sensation may manifest itself into what is now termed ‘Seasonal Depression‘.
If I had to follow the herds south for the winter and stay in warmer climates, I would never be stuck in the constant grayness and cold of the northern latitudes. Who knows. It may be all phooey anyway.

Things are just ‘meh’ now and I am hoping that when things begin to change with spring, perhaps I shall find what it is I am looking for.

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