Snow Day

We’re getting hit with a blizzard here in NYC today and as such the wife and I are working from home.

Our office is setup so that our desks are right next to each other along the wall, so we are within 3 feet of each other. I do believe that there is some sort of Doppler Effect happening in that area. I go and say something (usually nonsensical and funny to me) and there is a good 30-45 second pause before I get a ‘heh’ from the Wife.

When I mentioned this scientific anomaly to my Wife, she stated that she was busy working, that she knew I did something silly, and that she felt she should respond in some form.

So there isn’t any anomaly between our desks as first theorized. She just realizes I did something that I require validation for, and is acknowledging it so that I leave her alone and she can continue to work.

Isn’t marriage grand??? 😛

  1. #1 by The Wife on February 10, 2010 7:19 pm - 7:19 pm

    At least SOMEONE was working. 😛

  2. #2 by FatalVisionz on February 15, 2010 3:35 pm - 3:35 pm

    Exactly. This is common practice in my house as well.

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