Fake New Year’s Wishing

I LOVE how folks start off with ‘Happy New Year’ or ‘Happy 2010’ before launching into their problem….

Either wish me a Happy New Year because you mean it and move on, or just ask me a question. Don’t sugar coat it….it makes it feel fake.

  1. #1 by Jon Angliss on January 5, 2010 12:34 am - 12:34 am

    You’ve been having those too eh? I think I managed one which wasn’t like that, unfortunately it was whilst I was on a conference call, and the person wanted to have a conversation about it… oh well 🙂

  2. #2 by Rich on January 10, 2010 6:54 pm - 6:54 pm

    Its called empathy Bill. Its all the rage. Deal with it. By the way, Happy New Year.

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