Archive for category Friends

What IDR does on the weekend

This is what IDR does when it’s raining out and he can’t go riding!

Google Video


Found Her

She’s back. I don’t know where she went, but she’s back.


Robots + Beer = Happy!!

RP talks a lot about the eventual Robot Invasion and subsequent subjugation (if not down right termination) of the Human Race. As long as the Robot Army brings along these guys, I will gladly bow down before my new Robot Masters. I will also sell out the resistance! 😉

P.S. – Did you see my attempt at alliteration? Mad skillz yo yo!

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How’d he do that?

Everyone knows what an Allen Wrench (or a Hex Wrench) is right?

So that means that you know it is a blunt object with no sharp edges, right?

If that is the case, I’d like for some one to figure out how my brother did this:

Picture 1

Picture 2

Once you figure it out tell my brother as well…I’d bet he’d like to know!

Update: Due to Internet Explorer’s crappy programming and it’s horrible way of handling Approved Internet HTML Standards, I had to change the pictures to links. Everything should be working fine and looking correct….I hope


Extend a heartfelt Welcome

I would like to introduce borromakot. From her few posts so far I see she is a firebrand, and from the comments on my page a tried and true nerd as well.

Welcome her as one of our own! 😉

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More Pictures

I have added some photos that were taken when IDR, RP, and myself hit up the Ft. Worth Convention center for a motorcycle show.

I have been thinking for a long time that a motorcycle would be cool to have, basically because I have a very rose colored glasses view of cross country road trips. I blame Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance for that.

Who knows, maybe someday 😉


A Man with a Plan

Congrats to The Comfy Chair on getting accepted to American University’s Masters of Public Policy program.

Now I KNOW one of the people making up the rules….and I have the right to pummel him if need be! 😉

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