Archive for category Random



Anti-Emo Riots Break Out Across Mexico

EDIT: Fixed

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You know you are tired and need more sleep that when dozing on the train into the City, you have a dream we’re you’re falling asleep. Basically I am SO tired that I have reached the Escher Painting stage of tired.



At this exact moment, 3:42pm March 27th, 2008 I have 1234 emails in my Inbox.


EDIT: The server is in Dallas, so the post time is in Central.

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Happy Pi Day!

Pi Day

Thanks Nili

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I want

The Last Supper

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A conversation

[11:44] R&R: you’re awesome
[11:44] IDR: i know
[11:44] R&R: i soooo wanna be you
[11:44] IDR: i know
[11:44] IDR: but
[11:44] IDR: the closest you can get is in my pants
[11:46] R&R: well….i’ll just have to look at it in mathematical terms…..I can never really reach zero, only come really really close……so I can never be you but I can get really really close
[11:46] IDR: lol– if you weren’t at work id say something that would blow your socks off…
[11:46] R&R: go for it
[11:47] IDR: kinda built it up now…
[11:47] IDR: you will be sadly disappointed
[11:48] R&R: go for it
[11:48] IDR: i want you inside me
[11:48] R&R: ROFL
[11:48] IDR: 🙂
[11:49] R&R: granted, it’d be funnier in person, but it still works
[11:49] IDR: indeed
[11:49] R&R: i’m actually a bit creeped out
[11:49] IDR: lol
[11:49] IDR: yeah
[11:49] IDR: me too
[11:49] IDR: i got that from a drawn together episode
[11:49] R&R: even over IM…it just doesn’t seem….I don’t know……right
[11:49] IDR: the spunge bob charecter says that to another dude
[11:50] R&R: lol
[11:50] R&R: that is a disturburbing show

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This is a little weird.

But something I always dreamed about doing as a kid!

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Where our Robot Masters will come from

Apparently, the Japanese

This one is for you RP

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It Figures….

How will I die?

Your Result: You will die in your sleep.

A peaceful departure into the next life. You are blessed with the good fortune of passing from sleep into eternity. Do not fear sleep. To dream into the next life is a rare gift.

You will die of boredom.
You will be murdered.
You will die while saving someone’s life.
You will die in a nuclear holocaust.
You will die in a car accident.
You will die from a terminal illness.
You will die while having sex.
How will I die?
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