Archive for category Day to Day


You Fail at Life for the following reasons:

You work for a computer company, but changing your password over VPN turns into a three day event for you.

You live above someone, but walk like a god damn elephant and drop shit ALL THE FUCKING TIME!

I know there are more, but my mind is clouded by anger right now. I swear, if I could use the force I’d be TOTALLY Force Choking people left and right….


On A Lighter Note

I apologize if the last post was a bit heavy, but it was just one of those things that I needed to get off my chest. I promise that this one will be more frivolous and have everybody clicking onto another page quickly.

Halo: The Cole Protocol and Halo: Contact Harvest
I have taken a break from reading about Tao, although I am planning on reading more. I switched gears a bit back to the comforting realm od Science Fiction/Fantasy for a while. The aforementioned books are part of the Halo universe and take place in the years leading upto the action in the first Xbox video game. Both are well written and focus on many of the secondary characters. Read in conjunction with the other Halo novels, they paint a vivid mural of the fictional universe. At the same time I feel it takes a more practical look at the scope of technology 500 years in the future. In terms of technology, it is more Starship Troopers than Star Trek. If you’re a fan of Sci-Fi/military books, this will most likely entertain you. Next is Ghosts of Onyx, a story more focused on the SPARTAN super soldiers.

Last night I had the opportunity to run a few dungeons with a new guy (friend of a friend) and made out like a bandit in terms of Loot. I picked up the following items:

Head Piece: Gaze of the Unknown
Chest Piece: Embrace of Madness
Back: Kurisu’s Indecision

We also assisted our tank, Luinil, in getting his Epic Flying Mount; The Reins of the Bronze Drake
There shall be more of us on this evening, so we are planning on chain running heroics for badges to get better loot. It’s all about the rewards people.

Arcade Fire – Funeral
I recently picked up this album, mostly on the merits of the song Wake Up, which was featured in the trailer for Where the Wild Things Are. I have to say, the music as a whole flows very well, and is suprisingly upbeat. So much so that I found myself smiling and feeling in high spirits while listening to it. I highly recommend this album.

Windows 7 people. Trust me on this one. If you don’t have the hipster cred or the disposable income for a Mac, this truly is the next best thing. Beginning deployment at work this week.

That’s it for now, mayhaps a retelling of tonights dungeon runs tomorrow? 😉


Promotion and Chicago Business Trip

About six months ago, I received a mid year promotion, as I had met (and exceeded) several of my yearly goals. GO ME!! 😉

The promotion was considered a ‘milestone’ promotion, as I had moved into another level of the hierarchy. Basically, the company breaks down levels as follows*: peon, senior peon, monkey, senior monkey, manager, senior manager, and then fancier titles where you do more talking and less grunt work. I was promoted from senior peon to monkey. That being the case, I apparently had to go to some training course. Had I not received a direct email from the HR department asking why I hadn’t signed up yet, I would have never gone. The emails about it were the generic ‘company looking’ emails and I was ignoring them….whoops! 😉

There was a bit of a scramble to get a flight and make sure I was registered, but it all worked out and I headed for Chicago early Monday morning.

I’m not going to go into detail about the training, because that would be boring. All in all, it was well designed and well executed training, not the standard talking heads reading DIRECTLY from their PowerPoint presentations. The presenters were well versed, the panels were actually interesting (with good questions being asked by the audience) and the training was very hands on. I actually enjoyed it and was able to take away a lot of good ideas from it.

I stayed at the James Hotel in downtown Chicago. The place has a really awesome, early sixties retro look to it. When I walked into my room, I totally felt like I was in a episode of Mad Men! You can check out photos here. Also included are some pictures of the Chicago River Walk which was nearby. And for dinner while I was there, the training group went to Zed 451, a churrascaria. The interesting part about it was that it wasn’t just a straight beef/pork/chicken setup, they actually included several delicious seafood options as well. Oh, and it was open bar…which was NICE! Nothing beats asking a waiter for a glass of Macallan 12 yr on the rocks and hearing him say ‘right away sir!’. 😉

Although a hectic and brief trip, it did turn out well. Except for the fact that I seemed to have caught a cold from the traveling. Early Flight+Airport+Airplane+No Sleep = reduced immune system and higher chance of a cold. I’m doing okay though, so don’t y’all worry yer perty litta heads off bout me, ya here!

*these OBVIOUSLY are not the real names….you would hope!


Back on a Plane

I’m gonna be on a plane again. Took some pics of my trip to Chicago, including the 1960s Mad Men looking hotel room I stayed in. Will post in the morning.

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I’m on a Plane

Not a boat.

We’ll talk some more later.

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Sitting at Agozar enjoying brunch and unlimited Sangria. We have dinner tonight at Gotham Bar & Grill, but planning craziness afterwards (hopefully!). Still contemplating Tao on a level hat surprises even me.

Everyone have a fun and safe Halloween!

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Having just finished The Tao of Pooh, I am going to read it again to make sure that the gray matter between the ears has understood what was written and fully absorbs it. I want to do this before I begin The Te of Piglet, the companion book.

However, after reading this I almost feel bad even holding the book. That right there is some f’ed up shiz!

I think I might be onto something though with the whole ‘Way’ thing, but it will definitely require some more research.

Definitely more to come, in the meantime; Ninjas

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A Conversation

Inner Voice 1: Dude, we should totally post EVERY DAY for he next month and a half!

Inner Voice 2: Totally!

Inner Voice 1: We could write about EVERYTHING! Gaming, life, music, technology…it’ll be exactly what we need to do to get him motivated!

Inner Voice 2: Awesome!

Inner Voice 1: And we should announce it to everyone we know, so that there’ll be no excuse. He’ll have to do it!

Inner Voice 2: Righteous!

Inner Voice 1: And who knows, this might be the catalyst that gets his writing into full gear!

Inner Voice 2: Sweet!

Inner Voice 1: You know, you are a fountain of linguist diversity…

Inner Voice 2: Why thank you, I try to enrich the lives of all those I encounter.


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Scared Senseless

I need to stop reading Matt Taibbi. Every time I do, I lose more and more hope for the fate of this country and the world as we know it.

He’s an excellent journalist, and his Rolling Stone pieces on the 2008 election, the financial crisis, and even his sports work are amazing. But every time, EVERY TIME, I read an article by him, I just want to give up.

I want to have that kind of effect on people. I tell you right now though, I’d TOTALLY use it for evil! 😉