Archive for category Computers

Solving Computer Problems

When giving a presentation from a laptop and you get a pop up warning that the battery is low, it means PLUG THE POWER SUPPLY IN!!! Unlike the Starship Enterprise, the laptop does not have a near limitless source of power based off of Dilithium Crystals.

When sending a job to a printer, sometimes it fails or takes a bit longer. The CORRECT way to fix this is to either wait or contact your Network Administrator. The INCORRECT way to fix this is to KEEP HITTING PRINT!! Nothing beats checking the print queue and seeing the same print job ten times.

The above statement can be said for MS Outlook as well. If you hit the icon and it does not start immediately, do not hit the icon again. Once again, wait a few moments (as there could be a network issue or you may have a large email store) or contact your Network Administrator. It’s always fun to check the Task Manager and see 10 ‘Outlook.EXE’ processes running.

Just some helpful suggestions from your Friendly Neighborhood Network Administrator!

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Denise and Cisco PIX

When she’s not stealing husbands, she’s helping people learn about the Cisco Pix Firewall

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If Gamers Fought WWII

Don’t know how many of you would appreciate this, but it’s funny if you can 😉

World War 2

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Could we have stopped them?

Here it is folks.

Once RP’s prophecies of mechanical domination take place, we can look back and wonder why we hadn’t killed them in their infancy!


Registry Editing and You

So, the other network admin and one of the data techs decided to have some fun with me. They connected to the registry on my laptop and replaced the background at the login screen of my laptop. And seeing as it is something that only gets set AFTER a reboot, I didn’t notice it while shutting down last evening.

Picture this if you will; it’s 6:15am, the lights in the office are out and the only light is the the very diffuse light of the sunrise coming through the windows. I power on my laptop and then I see this!

It’s not something you want to see first thing in the morning……


I want a Mac

Every once and a while i get an itch to buy a Mac. And since they have switched to the Intel chip, the itch has been burning more and more. Also (and the GF will LOVE this part) World of Warcraft plays on it!! (and quite beautifully I might add)

So you have a stable OS, it plays my addiction, it looks and acts trendy, AND it’s a 20 inch screen.

Who could ask for anything more?

And before you even ask, it does run on a Mac. And this will let me interface with MS docs.

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