Archive for category Site News

Site News

Besides the new look, I have some other site news to add.

I have a Twitter link now. Feel free to add it if you are on Twitter, or join Twitter if you are not. It seems all the rage now. I’ll be using it more and more once I have enabled my phone to send it text messages.

I shall be making a new Category called IT, where I shall post stories from the wonderful world of IT. Or as I like to call it, my babysitting job! I have a few stewing right now, and I will hopefully have them up this week.

I have decided to put the rest of the info about the Dominican Republic into a Page. As you can see I have pages (along the bottom of the title picture) for Short Stories and WoW. I’ll make a new one for Travel and link the DR story off of there. I just have to transcribe my notes.

As always, comments are appreciated. Even for those of you that lurk….yes I am looking at you smart guy from southern California who works for NASA and owes me a spaceship!!!

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Trying out some new looks

I am again trying out some new looks, as some readers had a hard time with the red lettering and links in the last theme.

I’ll try this one for a while and see what happens.

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Technical Difficulties

The site is experiencing some strange happenings and technical difficulties. Hang in there, and they should be fixed soon.

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A New Look

I though this look might be more fitting.

The cool thing about WordPress is the ease at which you can change your site. This was a simple download/upload/click here change.

Gonna go through and tweak the code so that everything works correctly.

Give me a shout with thoughts and what not.


Comments Part Duex

Thanks to DJ for giving me a clear and concise explanation of the problem as opposed to a “UR COMMENTZ R TEH SUXXOR” that I have been getting. Being the admin of this site, I do not see the Captchas as you guys do so I didn’t know what the problem was. After DJ left his comment I went to a computer that has never been to this site and took a look at the captchas. They worked too well it seems, as they appeared almost entirely illegible most of the time. I now know what you folks have been complaining about.

I have implemented and tested a different plugin called Cryptographp and it looks a lot easier to use. It also works as it is supposed to.

I do appreciate the feedback, and as you can see I will make things better if you explain to me why they need to be.



I need to know what everyone is complaining about. And I’d like constructive criticism, not off the wall nonsense. And if you have a hard time commenting because you have been drinking, that doesn’t count! :-p

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A New Look

Good morning.

Notice anything different? Do you like it? If so drop some comments on it.

I am thinking that a change in scenery would be nice so I am trying on some different skins. I have this one and another in the queue as of right now and I will probably find more that I like in the upcoming days.

My plan is to switch them out every few days until I decide which one I like the best. I do value the opinion of my friends and readers so if you like/dislike any of my choices, please feel free to comment and I will gladly take your words under consideration when it comes to a new look.

And RP, drop me a line. I’d like to discuss a masthead for the site with you.

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Morning folks,

I am in the process of a real time upgrade of Word Press. That is NEVER a good idea, but that hasn’t stopped me before. I will fix things bit by bit.

Hopefully everything is working in a few hours.

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Comments Turned off for a bit

Although none of you see it, I am having an issue with comment spam.

The cool thing about WordPress is that it lets you hold comments for moderation unless the commentor is either a registered member of the site, or has been approved by the admin (me). So everyday I am getting 20-30 emails notifying me that I have comments to moderate, and when I get there they are nothing but spam. It is rather annoying and I am too busy right now to really attack the problem.

Also, since I will be enjoying my upcoming wedding and honeymoon, I do not necessarily want to come home to 300 comments waiting to be moderated.

So for the time being, NO COMMENTS FOR YOU!! 😉

Once I return with stories and figure out what I am gonna do about the spam, I will turn them back on.

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Why I love WordPress

Because I have to approve ALL comments….So comment spam doesn’t affect my blog!


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