Not dead yet…

…but I’m pretty sure some of you are trying to get me!

Besides the paranoia, things are going well. I believe (and hope) that 2007 will be a banner year for my life. The job is going, and I have some beginning of the year plans with it to make it more than just babysitting the users. Some software and server upgrades…some house cleaning….some network mumbo-jumbo. Now if I can just keep my focus, it should be a good time. 😉

The wife, the mutt, and I just moved into a new apartment this past weekend. It is one side of a duplex, so it is less like an apartment and more like a new home. We have done some painting, and we plan on doing some other cosmetic improvements as well. All with the blessings of the owners, a nice elderly couple who have been there forever and are friends of the family. I am really looking forward to doing some more painting. It has been really satisfying to do home improvements. I might even get into a real groove and go crazy once we own our own! (do I get props for the alliteration?)

Been buying small pieces of furniture to replace what we had to cut loose when we left the Big D. Smaller pieces obviously, with an eye towards our ultimate goal of a place in the City. That has been fun as well….actual future planning. It’s somewhat new to me, and I hope that I am doing a good job with it. The wife has a better grip on the whole ‘planning for the future’ thing…so I have a bit of catch up to do. 😉

Speaking of the future, I have been thinking about jumping back into the realm of education and getting into a masters program. Problem is…not sure exactly what I want to do with my life. I have an idea and doing some research on it….but as I said, I am not sure it’s the right course for me. It is a small, but manageable, dilemma I face and overcoming it is a key component to moving up in the ladder of life and getting those nice homes and cars and stereos 😉 . We’ll see where that path eventually leads.

Another thing I need to do is find some more hobbies. WoW is fun and all, but a lot of my friends don’t play anymore and the endless grind for ‘l33t Purpl3z’ can be very tiresome. So any suggestions….legitimate….would be appreciated. I am going to try more outdoors kind of things once winter ends and spring begins. There is a state park right down the street from me with a bunch of trails and lenient dog rules. Some hiking with the wife and wünder mutt shall be the order of the spring and summer seasons. I have some friends that do it all the time so we can try to make a group thing of it. Hopefully wünder mutt won’t lobotomize their dogs 😉

That’s all I got for now. It has taken me way too long (due to interruptions and what not) to write this, and my inspiration for something grandiose has been sapped. Obviously Posting more would help…..we’ll see. 😉

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