
Everyone is getting so FUCKED by everything that when you actually think about trying to do something about it, you begin to drown in the sheer magnitude of it all. Which leads to apathy of the whole situation, which leads to acceptance, which ultimately leads to you becoming a mindless cog in the machine, fed your stimulus so that you produce just enough to not burden the society for which feeds upon you.

Might as well stop fighting to swim upstream. The dam as been opened and the only option is to float helplessly with the current, over the precipice, and into the unknown…maybe then you will find peace.

  1. #1 by Jon Angliss on March 31, 2009 7:28 pm - 7:28 pm

    You sir… need a new poster for your wall..


  2. #2 by The Wife on April 1, 2009 9:11 am - 9:11 am


  3. #3 by pixie on April 1, 2009 4:37 pm - 4:37 pm

    I’m still not ready to give up, but I do feel the need for a rest. That swim up stream does seem to be getting harder and harder.

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