Here I stand on the field of battle once more..... How many times have I been here before? A rhetorical question, I know, but strange that I ask myself this at this moment I have been in this position too many times to remember..... Standing amongnst the few who would sacrifice themselves for the good of those who have not the courage to defend themselves. How many times have I been here before? Always tempted to give in and not worry about it.... Always tempted to just walk away.... At times I have come close to doing just that... to giving walking away..... But I know I cannot.....I will not, for I could no longer live with myself if I did. How many times have I been here before? Slip into the darkness....forever will it dominate you I say that the light is worse, For there you see what must be done, What must be sacrificed.... Where as in darkness all you see is what the power holds directly in front of you.... Blind to the rest of the spectrum. How many times have I been here before? They begin their raged induced charge, screaming the whole way No longer have I the time to contemplate, I must focus on the task at hand. Releasing myself into the Force, I prepare for the upcoming battle...seeing it unfold.... bit's and pieces....possible outcomes... The screams and howls are only amplified by our state of consciousness Yet we do not move....standing there...silently...waiting... for the end. How many times have I been here before? Requiem of a Jedi