I heard the sounds of battle from a distance. A distinct sound of grunts and metal. Once I came to the clearing I saw the source of the sounds. A night elf was doing battle with 2 very large and what appearred to be very angry ogres; and from the look of him, he wasn't winning. Instantly I knew that I had become his only hope. I concentrated on what was the 'smaller' of the two ogres. Saying the ancient words that i have repeated countless times before, i unleashed their power. Even from where i stood I heard the bones in the Orges body break. A powerful incantation this was...one that would affect a creature for several seconds with excruciating pain and broken bones. Luckily because they had not seen me, and the fact that ogres aren't especially bright, it did not realize that the new pains source was me. This opened up an opportunity to release another spell of shadow descent. A spell that blasted the mind with such power that it essentially shut it down. Once again i mumbled the incantation and released the spell. This time the ogre fell dead. Upon the shaking the ground took from the creatures fall, the second ogre knew that it had another threat to deal with. Taking a final swing that leveled the other night elf, it turned it's full attention towards me. Seeing this, i enabled another spell that encased me in a sheild of light that would protect me from the brutes attacks for a few precious moments. And as speed was of the essence I quickly mumbled the incantations for both the mind and body attacks. This did enough damage to the ogre to trigger it's primal need for self preservation, and it began to run in the opposite direction. Like with any injured animal, it had become more dnagerous now, and I could not let it run wild. This time I used a different mind spell that not only attacked the mind physically, but mentally as well. confusing and slowing the creature. Finally it stopped in it's tracks, swayed slightly and fell to the ground with a ground shaking thud. Making sure that both were dead I ran to the fallen Night Elf to try and revive him. You see, I'm not a warrior, I'm a priest. Although the incantatons i usede were of shadow, i do know the ways of the light. And healing the fallen is the greatest example of that. However, before I could cover the distance to the fallen elf, i caught movemnet out of the corner of my eye and quickly ducked as a very large saber cat lauched itself at me. Turning I prepared to attack it as well, but I held back as I noticed that it was not attacking me...it was very badly injured. It seemed to be standing on all fours by sheer force of will. I also noticed that it was protecting the fallen night elf. A hunter! It is rumored that hunters sometimes form bonds with the animals, and apparently it is true. That bit of clarity would not help either of them though. The cat was determined not to let me get close enough to help. I don't thing it understood that I was there to help. I could not blame it, defending it's master as it did. Suddenly I heard the strained voice of the hunter "Sasha, heel!" The cat seemed to perk up and look reluctantly back at it's master and then back at me. Finally it stepped (limped being a better descriptor) out of my way; still watching and waiting to strike sould I prove to be a danger. I ran quickly to the fallen elf and gently raised his head. I told him that he was safe now and that everything would alright. I don't know if I was trying to convince him or myself. He opened is eyes slightly and smiled very weakly and said "Yes, I know this....priest" I smiled. He would make it. I began the incantation of a minor healing spell. This would strngthen him enough for me move him to a safer location. Two ogres in one area meant there were alot more close by. And although not bright, they could smell blood, and it only enraged them more. When the spell was done, there was a noticiable difference in the elf. Most of the color came back to his face and his breathing became more rythmic and less ragged. Laying him back down gently, I got up and walked towards the saber cat. "Sasha" I said "I am here to help". At first the cat growled, but then looked at it's master and realized i was no threat. It realaxed and layed down; not in a sleeping position, but into a position where it could still attack me if it needed to. I gently laid my hands onto it and said the incantation again. Almost instantly the cat seemed to come alive again. It stood up and stretched a bit and then proceeded to purr adn rub against me; knocking me over. I let out a relieved chuckle. It seems I had made a five hundred pound new friend. Quickly I rigged together a strecther to transport the injured hunter to safety and with the help of Sasha, dragged him to my campsite a few miles away. Along the way, I continued using minor healing incantations on both the cat and the hunter to ensure quick recovery. I wanted to wait until we were far enough away to use more powerful spells, which would require more focused concentration.