Glad I left

Because this doesn’t sound like a good idea….I mean seriously.

Honestly, I don’t see how it has hurt the country as a whole. Yes, there is the Homeland Security issue, but that can be solved by not blowing things up to prove how big your wang is.

I’m glad I left when I did, because the level of ignorance that this subject creates is enough to make want to pour chlorine into the gene pool 😉

And I won’t miss the local news “interviewing” Bill Joe Bob Yocal and getting his (or her) highly educated and thought out opinion on the matter.

  1. #1 by Zoomy on November 14, 2006 12:22 pm - 12:22 pm

    “I tell you what!” -Bill engvall

    Sounds craaaazy. They should try that in maimi hahahaha

  2. #2 by The Wife on November 14, 2006 3:25 pm - 3:25 pm

    I KNEW we moved for a reason!

  3. #3 by Shagz on November 14, 2006 9:18 pm - 9:18 pm

    Is this the pre-emptive beginning of the worlds largest game of Red Rover? I know that the Nat’l Guard is building a fence, might they just end up holding hands at 0930 am zulu time…staring toward the South ( Echo leader start the countdown) “Three,……two,……..””RED ROVER RED ROVER WE DARE MEXICANS TO COME OVER”” “…at which point the twelve mile wide hand holding Guards will ultimately lose to an NFL-esque end around play.(Somewhere in the other 1700 miles) Thus perhaps it matters not if aliens want to do better for their families in the land of the free and home of the Moronic. (

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