It’s the End of the World as We Know It….

…and I feel fine.

Looks like I have been co-opted into the ‘Cool Kids Club’ now. HOT DAMN!!. I get to be in the same group as Ashton, Shaq, and crazy ranting You-Tube bimbos!!! AWESOME!!

No, not really.

Wil Wheaton has an appearance in there as well, and this post is him trying to back pedal out of it in a way. Basically he feels that the idea had merits but the ‘project changed from conception to release’. I do believe that Wil is a geek and I do beleive it when he says he had good intentions about participating. I do believe, as he does, that the idea of literacy (the REAL reason behind this site) is a noble one. However, I have a hard time believing that Shaq and Ashton were ever ridiculed by classmates for being into D&D, comic books, and video games…..but who am I to judge.

I think stereotypes are a waste of time. They are just names to give people power over others. I’m not a ‘jock’, I’m not a ‘stoner’, I’m not a ‘geek’, I’m just Bill. And I like to do what I like to do. And if you don’t like it, that’s your deal, not mine.

So I am happy. The world has moved on and I am now free to be myself, sans a moniker of any kind.

I am Bill, and I am just me.

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