Birthday Present

Even thought the Wife….frowns….on my little habit, she still seems to feed it. Case in point, this gift that she got for me for my birthday.

Here is a blog posts on its use:

Big Red Kitty and the G13

Looking forward to setting this up and getting to use it.

So a big thanks to the Wife, I know she loves me A LOT!!! 😉

Next on my list…..This Thing!!! 😉

  1. #1 by Jon Angliss on March 6, 2009 9:00 pm - 9:00 pm

    Would that be today? If so, happy birthday.. can never remember when, I’ll have to add it to my phone or something 😉

  2. #2 by The Wife on March 10, 2009 2:01 pm - 2:01 pm

    The Wife loves you and of course wants to make you happy. Some day she’ll be able to do so in non-WoW ways. 😛


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